Transaction Tracker

<aside> πŸ’‘ Work-Hours Cost in view Info/Evaluation:

Calculate how many hours you have to work for each expense is a powerful way to reduce your unnecessary expenses. To do this:

  1. Click on β€˜β€™Work-hours cost:’’
  2. Click on β€˜β€™edit property’’
  3. Replace β€˜β€™10.96’’ (average hourly income U.S.) with your own hourly income and click on done.

is the expense worth the number of hours you worked for it or not?

You can also enter at β€˜% work hours in month for expense:’ how many hours you work per week. Then it calculates what % of your work this month has gone to the expenditure.

To do this: Use step 1-3 again, but this time click on β€˜% work hours in month for expense:’ for step 1 and for step 3 you need to replace 40 with the amount of hours you work in a week.
