Learn faster:

Learn to learn faster than everyone else and you'll have a huge advantage over the them. Value learning above anything else and you will be greatly rewarded later. Learning is only very powerful when you implement in quickly.

Tips to Learn faster from: Jim Kwik

-Forget. be like a beginner and pretend you don't even know anything about it and forget about distractions

-Active. Take notes (handwriting preferably). Make notes on one side of what is said and on the other side write how you will use it.

-State. Your state of minds affects your learning. To remember information for the long-term, you need to combine it with emotion. As humans we remember (strong) emotions almost always.

-Teach it. With teaching you will learn it yourself again and you will understand it better.

<aside> 💡 Remember that learning is useless if you don’t implement it (quickly) ! Never stop with learning, because otherwise you will stop growing!



  1. Substitution of dissimilar things
  2. An action that is not normal
  3. exaggerate very much