Write down all your goals in small steps. Also write down a consequence for if you don’t reach your goal, make the concequence something you absolutely don’t want to do. This way you force yourself to reach your goals. You can also write down a positive consequence as push factor, but make sure it’s not contrary with your goals. Make a plan for how to reach your goal and a plan for still getting there if you didn't reach your goal in time.

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👑 From column ‘’priority’’= Your ultimate goal. A big but above all a very important goal for you that you're willing to work really hard for to achieve it. Remember that if you achieve it, what would be really wonderful, you always should seek higher goals to achieve and never stop working on yourself.


Specific - A well defined goal so you know what you need to do to accomplish the goal.

Measurable - The goal can be well measured, so you know when the goal is accomplished.

Attainable - Set goals that are challenging for you, but are possible to achieve.

Relevant - The goal is important for your self-growth, set goals that matter for you.

Time-Bound - The goal contains a specific deadline.

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When you are setting dates for your goals, don’t forget about Parkinson’s law = Work expands to fill the time available for it’s completion.
