<aside> 👉 Here you will find all the details about the subjects, activities and organization of the current semester or school year in which you are.


✅ Activities List

<aside> 👉 Here are all the activities of your school:


S1 Inbox

S1 Complete Activity List

Activities TODAY

Activities 1-14 DAYS

Activities 15-30 DAYS

Activities 1 MONTH+

✍️ Notes

<aside> 👉 Below are all your notes of the Semester


S1 Notes File

S1 Bibliography

📒Daily tasks

Task File

S1 Daily Tasks


<aside> 👉 Here you can write the name of all your current subjects. If you have more, you can duplicate a subject and change the name. → Important Note: Within each subject, you have to edit the filters of the tables so that they correspond to the Subject in which you are.


S1 Subjects

🗓️Activities Calendar

S1 Semester Activities